the heretical grid
I am often asked why I named my Instagram account and other social media accounts, ‘the heretical grid’. I have often tried to shroud this in an aura of mystery or intrigue for my followers or readers, but the truth behind the name is, in reality, quite unembellished.
The grid—or any manifestation of it—is a sign of architecture itself; it is the lowest common denominator of construction, organisation and human intervention. The grid creates a system that relates ideas and values and represents a geometrical phenomenon of making.
Our computational existence in a world of Instagram is, in more than one way, a realisation of a grid of binary systems and data. But the natural world does not conform to these measured qualities, it is often nonconformist. Natural geometries are often outside the eucleadian framework.
The contemporary human, thus straddles an existence between the calibrated and the connatural. The disturbed and the untouched. The certain and the uncertain. A grid but not systemically systematic. The Heretical Grid.